Why clinically proven breathing challenges?
Breathing exercises are suggested for any type of person, with different impacts and for different reasons. There are many exercises that you can find online that are not backed by science. Some of them could make you feel unwell and even cause your asthma to get worse.
That is why we rely on clinically-proven results, to give the best-in-class challenges to you. No strings attached. You don’t have to try it to see if it works, other people have tried it already. We know your time is limited and that you can not try everything, so we tried it for you and have evaluated that it works, from a clinical perspective and the results are quite amazing in increasing the quality of life by more than 30%*!
[*] Thomas M, Bruton A, Little P, et al. A randomised controlled study of the effectiveness of breathing retraining exercises taught by a physiotherapist either by instructional DVD or in face-to-face sessions in the management of asthma in adults. Health Technol Assess 2017; 21: 1–162.
We are the first breathing app offering you clinically-proven breathing challenges for asthma, available on your phone. And you will be part of this revolution.
What does clinically-proven means?
A challenge that has been “clinically proven” means that it was evaluated in a clinical study. It is the same process that vaccines or medicine go through before entering the market to reduce risks and validate benefits.
There is an external committee that evaluates the study before it starts (ethical committee), a principal investigator (normally a professor & clinician) that oversees the entire study, and other experts involved. The best clinical studies normally involve 2 groups of patients with similar characteristics, one group that tries the breathing exercise program and the other group that does not (control group). After a few months, the investigator evaluates if there are any relevant differences or benefits in the groups. The clinical study concludes if a challenge has been validated or not.
What is the evidence?
According to the Global Initiative for Asthma (GINA report 2022), breathing exercises are considered top evidence (A) for reducing symptoms and increasing the quality of life.
Other studies:
- “Breathing exercises for adults with asthma” by Thayla A SantinoGabriela SS ChavesDiana A FreitasGuilherme AF FregoneziKarla MPP Mendonça. The main conclusion was: breathing exercises may have positive effects on quality of life. hyperventilation symptoms, and lung function in adults with mild to moderate asthma.
- “Physiotherapy breathing retraining for asthma: a randomised controlled trial” by Prof Anne Bruton PhD, Prof Amanda Lee PhD, Prof Lucy Yardley PhD, Prof James Raftery PhD, Emily Arden-Close PhD, Sarah Kirby PhD. The main conclusion was: Breathing retraining programmes improve quality of life in patients with incompletely controlled asthma despite having little effect on lung function or airway inflammation. Such programmes can be delivered conveniently and cost-effectively as a self-guided digital audiovisual programme, so might also reduce health-care costs.